Annelise Yellow Diamond Hibiscus

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Here is another review!

This is the 'Jimmydick' Hibiscus.
It will protect you if you are cursed!

The Yellow Hibiscus by Annelise Lords begins in
the Bronx and goes on to Hawaii as a young woman
searches for her true identity and the meaning of
the yellow hibiscus. Her quiet mundane life is
turned inside-out as she finds herself fleeing
unknown ruthless forces determined to know the
truth before she does!

Suspense begins with the first sentence and builds
through mysteries tangled inside mysteries!

Bronx and Brooklyn residents will be delighted to
see actual borough streets named!

Horticulturists will find interesting information on the

And history buffs will learn a thing or two about Hawaii!

Ms. Lords characters cry like no one
else's. . ."Suddenly he stopped, slowly
the tears slid down, one step at a time, one
eye at a time, he didn't try to hide them, he
didn't try to turn away,"

The Yellow Hibiscus has an opening that grabs
you. Before long it becomes a book that cannot
be put down!

A reader says you will want to read it! 

Find out why The Yellow Hibiscus cannot die!